Professor and researcher in Human-Computer Interaction, with 20+ years experience building large projects. Expert in UX/UI, gamification, and videogames.

showreel projects
Enem na Rede Online study platform
LevelUp Career program for IT students
Educational Games Educational games for children and teenagers
Vokare Professional guidance platform for high school students.
Lei Maria da Penha – Game Educational game about violence against women
Meu Bernoulli Educational content platform of a Brazilian education system
Vivenciando e Aprendendo Children's games for the Brazilian education system
Interactive Installation – Police Interactive installation for youth outreach
last talks
[in portuguese]
- Fundamentals, concepts and applications of the MetaverseMetaverse
- Lecture for psychologists on technological evolutionTechnological Evolution and Human Behavior
- Presentation of my thesis in the SBSI thesis competitionEnem na Rede SBSI 2020
- Presentation of concepts on how to think about gamification for education.Gamification Introduction
Award for Best Work
On the "Practical HCI" learning track, at the 18th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computational Systems (IHC 2019) in Vitória/ES, Brazil, October 2019.
3rd Place Award - Best Thesis 2019
At the 18th Brazilian Symposium on Information Technology (SBSI 2020), in São Bernardo do Campo/SP, Brazil, November 2020.
Recognition as an university professor
7 times - Outstanding teacher award, PUC Minas